With this software is a perfect programs to your computer or an any device. You may enjoy to have this without worrying due to the product keys will provide is genuine after you do purchase from us, this is the keys that will be bind to your email address. As soon as been done the access to your email address, the product keys will bind and it will use it for lifetime and even though your computer has been damaged or formatted. You can still access as the same computer or other computer because of the email address was use is has a key activated. The Microsoft office bind key is a one time access only that you can not applied this to the other computer at same time and if you may use your office to others computer, it is must need to sign out first before may set up to the other device that you wanted to use.
Here is the the link https://setup.office.com/ and start to set up. Reminder for all users of bind keys, save your email address and password that was bind. Because once been forgets which email and what password. It will be end for you to use your Microsoft Office.
After clicking that link, this will appear :
Just follow the steps needed till will complete the set up.